Course Schedule
2021 課程表

Schedule update at Facebook: Cis偵探保鑣訓練課程
Bodyguard Certificate Course 保鏢證書課程 (8 lessons) 
 1. CIS Bodyguard Close Protection Training Certificate $4800
    CIS近身保鏢基礎證書 :  20/3, 27/3, 03/4, 10/4 (Sun. 1200-1800) 
2. TQUK Bodyguard Certificate (Close Protection) (Level 2) $6800
   英國近身保鏢(二級)證書: 20/3, 27/3, 03/4, 10/4, (Sun. 1200-1800)
3.  TQUK Tactical Emergency Medical Support (Level 2)(6 lessons) 6800
     英國戰術醫護(二級)證書 ( 7pm-10pm),19/3, 22/03, 29/3, 12/4, 19/4, 26/4
4. Private Investigation Professional Certificate (6 lessons) 5900
    CIS私家偵探業證書:  02/5, 05/5, 09/5, 12/5, 16/5, 19/5 (Wed. 7pm-10pm) 
5. TQUK Diploma in Private Investigation (12 lessons) 9900
    英國私家偵探(四級)文憑: 02/5, 05/5, 09/5, 12/5, 16/5, 19/5 (Wed. 7pm-10pm)
    14/5(Sat. 10am-6pm),  21/5(Sat. 10am-6pm)



TQUK BG Course must complete CIS BG Foundation Certificate Course first.

課程 TQUK BG 必須先完成CIS保鏢基礎證書課程

DPI must complete CIS Private Investigation Course first.

課程TQUK Diploma P.I  必須先完成 CIS偵探調查基礎班.   

Registration is based on payment first. There are activities in the classroom. Participants are required to obey the laws of Hong Kong and students are required to sign for responsible their personal risk of any accidents. Tutor has a right to modify & adjust the course content, date, time, location if necessary and reject an application without explanation.

報名以繳費作實, 課堂有活動, 參加者須遵守香港法例及自己承擔個人意外風險並須簽名承責. 導師有權決定是否收錄學員申請, 導師有權隨時修改調整課程內容日期, 時間, 地點及客席導師.